What is the Action System?

This is an overview of the ActionCOACH system so we are all setting off from the same footing. In any franchise, it is very important that you follow the system, after all that's what you paid for, but I have found that advice such as 'follow the system' can fall at the first hurdle if we don't understand how the system is put together.

Our Coaching Process
  1. Alignment: Aligning Business Owners' Business Goals to deliver their Life Goals
  2. Action Plan: Priority Strategies which will develop their business in 90 Day increments
  3. Coaching: 1 hour weekly sessions with Accountability & Actions to complete the Strategies
  4. 4 Hours ON: The minimum investment of time each week for a business owner
  5. Measure & Test: Weekly & monthly feedback with corrective actions to stay on track
  6. Self-Education: The Business Owner learns massively about best practices
Success Background Action Coach FL
30,000 Foot View of Our Business System

Our Purpose:
Creating Entrepreneurs

Our Vision:
The Difference We Aim to Make - Our "Why?"..."World Abundance Through Business Re-Education"

Our Code of Conduct:
The 14 Points of Culture: Commitment, Ownership, Integrity, Excellence, Communication, Success, Education, Teamwork, Balance, Fun, Systems, Consistency, Gratitude, Abundance 

Our Definition of a True Business:
"A Commercial Profitable Enterprise that Works without YOU" (Our coaching programs are designed to get the business owner to this point in 5-7 years)

Developmental Level of a Business Person:
The Entrepreneur Ladder: Employee, Self Employed, Manager, Owner, Investor, Entrepreneur

Functional Development of a Business:
The 6 Steps to Massive Results: Mastery, Niche, Leverage, Team, Synergy, Results

Our Business Growth Chassis:
The 5 Ways (contains 344 revenue growth strategies) & The 4 Ways (contains 73 operations & systems)

Universal Principles:
1000+ Business & Life Fundamentals - knowledge that's a mile deep

Personal Development Generalized Principles:
Self-responsibility, growth, self-development

Members Only Dashboard:
Intranet, Your Personalized Website, New Franchise Training,  Coaching System, Global Coaches' Forums, Preferred Partners, Resources (Documents, Videos, TV, Books, Newsletters, Media), Marketing Resources 7 Materials, Webinars, Events

Exclusive Network:
1000+ Coaches around the world, they're your Mastermind Group

Vast & Growing Knowledge Base: Innovations, WIKI, YouTube, Conferences, Coaches...

Detailed Manuals:
Initial Training, Kick Start, Marketing, sales, Alignment, Coaching

Products & Services:
ActionCOACH Flagship Mentoring, BusinessRICH, SalesRICH, ServiceRICH, TeamRICH, FinanceRICH, PhoneRICH, TimeRICH, BookCLUB, ProfitCLUB, GrowthCLUB, PlanningCLUB, SeminarCLUB, ActionCLUB

And Our Partners' Products:
ProfitPLUS, Luv4Marketing, Empire Business Brokers, BizEquity, Engage&Grow, The Bucket List Guy, HowToFascinate, Assessments 24/7, Soffront CRM, Executive & Corporate Coaching, Who (4 Step hiring), ProfitMASTERS

Systems are a Business' Roadmap

Systems can organize your biz and your clients' biz around:

  • True & Tried Success models (4 Ways Delivery, 5 ways Marketing, 6 Steps Massive Results, 9 Steps Systemization, 13 Steps Sales/Marketing, 6 Keys Winning Team, Service Ladder, 90 Day Plans, Test & Measure, 5 Levels of Entrepreneur, Cash & Capital Ladders…
  • Series of Instant Success Books (14), Products & Templates
  • Workshop PowerPoints galore (you just show up and click)
  • Video training clips – to learn any topic in 5-10 min segments
  • CD of the Month – from the best coaches out there
  • Newsletters, for coaches, clients and prospects
  • Global Office support
  • Master Licensee Local Office support
  • Global/Local Team support
  • Training meetings, Regional meetings, National meetings, Business Excellence Awards
  • Individual coaching
  • Conference calls, local and national
  • Buddy coaching
  • Ability to hire your own Action Master Coach
  • Global Conferences all around the world
  • Niche Workshops (eg. How to Present from the Stage…)
  • The ActionCOACH Business Process… 

The Business Process is Simple:

- PLAN: Dreambuilder, Specific Goals, 90 day plan, Default Diary, Activity Tracker

- MARKET: Lead Generation (10x10 strategies), Systematic & Consistency

- SELL: Qualify, 13 Steps, Intro Seminars, Diagnostics/Free Biz Evaluations (Conversion)

- POSITION: Welcome Book and Positioning PowerPOint

- ALIGN: Questionnaire, Report, Team Training Day

- COACH: 6 weeks, 13 wekk cycle, 12 month program, Scripts, CNE's, 5 Ways, 4 Ways, 6 Steps

- ADD-ON PRODUCTS: Workshops, Training Days, Group Coaching, Profit Club, etc.

- RESULTS: T&M, Evaluation, Celebration, Testimonials, Referrals, Renewals… 
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Book a time with our ActionCOACH FL & GA CEO, Nick Dove, to discover more about the exciting opportunities.